Search My Infinite Universe

February 27, 2008

Chickadee hits the high note.
Seems to be "bird week" here in SE Minnesota, the woods are full of chirping, squawking, whistling, hooting and peeping. And you can hear it OUTSIDE of the visitor center as well. The black-capped chickadees were chatting it up out at the Refuge today when I returned the snowshoes from last weeks hike. They didn't seem too put off by a smelly dog and a smelly guy with a camera and tripod. Happy the Dog had found something off-color to roll in when I was focusing on other things the other day, and the best I could do before leaving for my night shift was throw him in the shower and try to suds him up with Pert. I didn't realize how tenacious the Pert would be, and now it tends to precede his arrival into a room. Then my NorthFace gear got totally smoked out with the 7th grade survival skills groups from yesterday. Building campfires all morning tends to be hard on your eyes and clothes, I find. At least most of the Axe for Men scent is gone now. I'll withhold comment for a future Op-Ed column on that.... grumble, grumble.

A young house finch preparing to call home.

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