I kept meaning to get back to those eagle pictures today, but I ended up in black & white land again.

Keeping you informed of upcoming programs, special events and important park news.
Winter Cabin Camping
Enjoy a rustic log cabin and the adventure of winter camping with family and friends at Baker Near-Wilderness Settlement, in Baker Park Reserve.
Call to reserve your cabin now.
Fight Cabin Fever !
Cabin fever is no fun for anyone, especially for parents who have little ones trapped inside with energy to burn. No problem. Three Rivers Park District offers weekday programs specially designed for children ages 1-6.
This was pretty much just a skills test to see if I could clone out a huge blade of grass that was cutting through the rye diagnonally across the whole picture. It's a lot easier in black & white. Eh. Don't look to closely.

Just the angle of light on these makes you think winter.
I haven't shot my long telephoto in ages either, so I forced myself to take it out on this walk.
I like the way it softens out the background in close-up zoom shots, especially with the black & white.

“Some people are pragmatists, taking things as they come and making the best of the choices available. Some people are idealists, standing for principle and refusing to compromise. And some people just act on any whim that enters their heads.
I pragmatically turn my whims into principles.”
I pragmatically turn my whims into principles.”
~ Bill Watterson (Author of the comic strip Calvin & Hobbes)
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