Yesterday, a very clean Hap Dog

ANYway, we decided to cross under the bridge and walk around the east side of the lake as well.
The previous day we were skirting the shoreline as much as possible around this eastern side of the lake when we got to the area where a little "point" with a few pines on it juts out from the otherwise gradually rounded shoreline. The sun was fading fast and was hitting some birch trees that are inland from the point, and with the low sun they were showing extremely WHITE, one could almost say, glowing. Well, okay, they were GLOWING, really.
I had never really taken notice of them before, but I made a mental note to come back to see if I could catch them like that at another time.
Yesterday being that time, Hap and I were walking inland along the paved "Walking Trail" (hence the name) and I decided to take the off-trail "shortcut" over the lump that is "The Point".
This is something I do about one in a hundred times because I like the little view from the Point, and because many walkers and joggers shortcut the paved trail here and have eroded a singletrack that I didn't want to be another set of feet adding to. I never really understood this particular shortcut, because it only shortens your route by about thirty feet from taking the paved trail around the Point. It's like the people that circle the grocery store parking lot for fifteen minutes so they can get a spot by the door, whereas everyone else parks in the next row and is in and out in twelve. I never pictured those people as runners, but who knows. They may be the people who take a shower and douse themselves with cologne before they go running, and then think, "Ugh, let's get this over with so I can get home and put on some more cologne." I'm not sure.
The thing is, this little trail takes you right past the EXTREMELY WHITE birches. So that's the way we went, and as we got over the little hill...
I noticed...
the b i r c h e s...
were l o o k i n g
at... us...

Very strange. But super crazy cool nonetheless.

I wonder if Tolkien has ever taken this shortcut...
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