Search My Infinite Universe

May 18, 2008

Spring continues to amaze as North America's most common, and most commonly mispronounced snake species makes an appearance and slithers stealthily thru last year's leaves. The Garter snake is well-known but is for reasons unknown often called: "the Gartener, Gardener, Gardner, or Gartner snake," none of which will get you a chance at Double Jeopardy, and may even remove you from receiving a copy of the home game.
That fine animal, the Turkey Vulture looking for a handy pre-killed snack. Even more amazing than their predilection to defecate on their own legs to help cool down the heat of summer, and the ability to projectile-vomit at would-be nest robbers, the ironic thing is they are known to have very sensitive olfactory receptors in spite of walking around in their own filth all day and eating rotting carrion. Maybe they CAN smell all the nasty smells too, and just deal with it as part of their fate. Maybe they should have been more polite in a previous life.

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